Statement by SWECA relative to Minimum Unit Pricing (MUP)

The South West of England Cider Makers’ Association (SWECA) issued a statement on 17th April, 2012 saying that the introduction of MUP might unfairly penalise cider makers and would not, in our view, address levels of alcohol misuse – though we recognise that misuse is a serious issue that does require positive action. Our position is unchanged.
Some comment and speculation recently suggests we are actively lobbying on this issue. This is not true. We are ready and willing to talk with any interested party about how this specific proposal or any policy suggestion might affect our members and the wider cider industry.

At this time we have not had discussions with any group or individual. When and if we do, we will listen to what people have to say as we are interested to understand the views on this topic. To date, in our view, the debate has been characterised by lots of heat, but little light – and that is not useful.